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  HANS LUNDIN, keyboardist and composer of KAIPA  
  Just arrived to the savage progressive world, the name of KAIPA doesn't suggest anything. But the oldies and wise in the world -the progressive world, of course- , so much if they come from the north of Europe, will remember echoes from a swedish band that, so far the 70's and 80's maked with success the music that people liked at the moment, a complex and original music named "progressive rock". Twenty years later, this band, that we thought that were completely dissapeared, makes a record again. Things are absolutely different nowadays. Only two original members left, and no more. One of them, very known for all, ROINE STOLT, THE FLOWER KINGS' and TRANSATLANTIC's guitarrist, and the other, the keyboard player HANS LUNDIN. This man talk with us about secrets of this rebirth.  
  2002, March  
  Interview maked by e-mail  



Imagine that we are fanatics of swedish band "The Flower Kings". If, as a good fanatic may be, we want to know much more about history of our favourite band, or about the past of their members, we sail through the past time and we found with no difficulties one name: KAIPA. Certainly, The Flower Kings born like a lonely work of Roine Stolt. But at this moment, Roine wasn't a begginer. He was a great musician with many history over his back. He belonged to a previous band called KAIPA. It was over 70's when this group recorded their LP's, and reached a certain success. But a few years later happened what many times happens with a lot of bands. They finished their musicals creations together.

The story remains the same till today. Kaipa's recordings only means the reference of first Roine's works. But now things are coming differents. After a 20 years break of silence, KAIPA, that we think absolutely extinguised, returns. And they don't return with a reedition but a new record, with a totally new, fresh sound, whose no-metaforic name is "NOTES FROM THE PAST". Just listen this excelent CD, you notice a curious thing: although it smells like "Flower Kings" (also Jonas Reingold plays here), it's not another record of Roine's factory, with another name, and no more. There is something else, something really different.

And if you're looking for this difference, you can find the hand of HANS LUNDIN, keyboard player, and the second member of the original line-up. He is the really brain and the really maker of this second incarnation of KAIPA. He was the man who, after compose all the songs, called his friend Roine to join this new Kaipa's idea. He made a bridge between the past and present -that's the reason of the title "Notes from the past"- and went on the road again. But -of course- they are not alone, they joined a solid band of guest musician: Morgan Agren (drums), Patrik Lundström (Lead voice), Jonas Reingold (Bass) and Aleena and Tove Thörn Lundin (Additional voices).

But if we think about history, we have a doubt. Is a little come back, for a little of days, of that's the beginning of a great and long history? The keyboardist HANS LUNDIN, visible head of this new two-people project, has been so kind -thanks again- to speak with us about this and so much more secrets of this rebirth. But this interview has been made with the curious system of mailing -the sign of times rules- This way let think about the answer and forget no details. That's the result of this "multimedia" experience.

Main of 2002's new work "NOTES FROM THE PAST"

Where "Kaipa" name come from and what was the first goal of the band? The name of the band was originally URA KAIPA. It referred to a Swedish Stone Age chieftain and came from the book "Svenskarna och deras hövdingar" by Werner von Heidenstam. In 1974 the name was shortened to KAIPA. I had played in several bands since 1964, and I had a strong wish to start a new band playing only original material taking inspiration from Swedish folk music, classical music and pop.

We know Roine Stolt. We have organized the two concerts "The Flower Kings" played in Madrid in 1999 and 2001. We have an unbeatable opinion as human being and as musician, but what's the opinion of a man that has shared life and experiences with him? Roine and I worked very close together in Kaipa in the 70's. We have the same sources of inspiration and in many ways I think we like the same type of music. When I started planning for this new album I knew from the start I wanted Roine to play the guitar and bring his personal colours to the music. He's a really nice guy and a brilliant musician with never ending energy.

What have you been doing all this time (from Kaipa's first period). Has you been involved in music?. In 1982 the last version of Kaipa decided to take a break. This break was going to last for almost 20 years. I continued to work with my own music and recorded three solo albums. In 1989 I released the last one called "Houses". After this I became in some way tired of the whole music business. There was no good condition for the type of music I was doing during these years. I became the father of two daughters and I thought it was nice to be able to spend much time at home. I continued to write new songs but nothing was recorded.

Why 20 years after? How born the idea again? In 1996 fiddle player Anders Rosén asked me to be part of a new project called "Hagen". The idea was to make a record mixing Swedish folk music and heavy rock. I thought this was an interesting idea, and I saw it as a challenge and a possibility to learn more about the roots of the traditional Swedish music. The record "Hagen: Corridors of time" was released on the German label Angular Records in 2001. Working with this record gave me a lot of new inspiration in my own writing. Maybe this was the injection I needed. In the beginning of 2000 I started to compile the best songs I had written, convinced that time was on my side, and that I had to do something about it. I contacted Roine and presented my ideas. That was the beginning of the new Kaipa.

After four listenings, we can find some Flower King's echoes in Kaipa's album, but only in concrete moments. Had you the main role in composition? Roine and I were both main composers in the original Kaipa. On the new album I have written all the songs.

This second incarnation it's only a punctual come back or the band pretend go on with his history. So far we don't know so much about the future. But I hope we will make another album. There are lots of songs waiting to be recorded.

Roine Stolt and Hans Lundin

Is Kaipa planning to play live? We have not discussed playing live with this constellation. We will wait and see the reactions on the new album before taking any decisions concerning this.

We haven't had the opportunity of listen previous Kaipa albums. What diferences will you remark between the first and second incarnations? The three first albums are reissued on CD by french label MUSEA. The new album "Notes from the past" proves it's possible to make a bridge between the past and present, forming a new progressive music that has as much similarities with the old Kaipa records as it has differences.

Do you maintain contact with rest of original Kaipa's line-up? Some of them, sometimes.

Can you give me some explanation about the huge amount of great Prog and Metal bands born in Sweden? We think this country is now one of the best in this musical matters. Concerning the progressive bands I think it's this melancholy feeling from the deep inside of the Swedish landscape we transform into music, and all these unexpected changes between major and minor chords.

In these first days after the release of the álbum, what has been the reactions in the prog community? Overwhelming so far, it's a great feeling.

Do you usually listen Prog Music?. If the answer is afirmative, what are your favourite bands? The 70's progressive music included, and was compelled by, an unending search for new challenges and an avoidance of repeating oneself. Today the term "progressive rock" mostly means bands lacking a musical identity, doing a pale reiteration of what other musicians developed mostly during the 70's. With the new album I wanted to test the possibilities that arise when you allow yourself to be proud of your past without losing your present identity, and to search for new challenges. Referring to this you will understand that there is not so much in the prog music of today I appreciate and find interesting. Mostly it's the bands I have some connection to, like Roine's bands Flower Kings & Transatlantic, Patrik Lundström's band Ritual and Spock's Beard. Sometimes I take a trip back to the 70's. Some months ago I had a temporary YES period, next week I changed to Mahavishnu Orchestra. I listen to all types of music if it has the possibility to catch my attention. To me it's very important to find new inspiration outside this limited "prog" area.

Ok, Hans, we think it's enough. We don't want to bother you more. Thank you one more time and congratulations for such a good work. I'm pleased to hear you like the new album.



Really this way of making views, although is very actual and it's easier to distribute the information, has an impossible mistake, it's very cold and distant. In spite of all, reading between words, it's not difficult to suppose that Hans Lundin is a real and polite gentleman, with an aspect of a kind family man. For the rest of things, is enough listening his last work: a Musician - with major "M"- of whom we expect that, after this, he doesn't abandone us again for another 20 years. Please, don't do that, now that we found you, we can't stand it..

  Luis Berreiros & Paco López  
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